Timeless Beauty Bridal Bouquet


Introducing our Timeless Beauty Bridal Bouquet, a timeless and classic choice that never goes out of style. This rounded bridal bouquet is full and lush, perfect for a bride donning a classic ballgown with an elegant, romantic, and timeless sense of style.

At Blue Elephant Floral Studio, we design this bouquet with a blend of ruffled blooms, textured fillers, different-sized and shaped flowers, all carefully arranged to create space and movement between the layers of the bouquet. This artistic approach allows you to achieve a more modern interpretation of the classic rounded bridal bouquet while maintaining its timeless beauty.

To make it uniquely yours, you can choose from one of our available color palettes. Alternatively, feel free to leave us a message at checkout or send us an email to let us know your custom color preferences. We're here to help you create the bridal bouquet of your dreams.

Size 10”H x 10”W

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